Talha Bhutta – Page 4 – Medicsi

Author name: Talha Bhutta

How The Labour May Start

Patient Information Blogs How The Labour May Start … 29/04/2024 It is important to familiarise yourself with the situations that may arise at term when you may have to go to the hospital. By the 36th week of pregnancy, you should get the bags ready for the baby and yourself as the labour can start any time now. You can experience one of the following situations:  You may experience some blood-stained discharge. If it's in the form of spotting you need not to worry and can stay home. This is called “show” and happens when the cervical mucus plug dislodges from the cervix in preparation for labour. The labour can start within hours to a few days. So this is a no-rush situation.  If there is more bleeding than spotting, it's wise to attend to the hospital emergency as quickly as possible. Your waters may break. This happens when the membranes burst and let the amniotic fluid leak from the cervix. This is an urgent situation and you should report to the hospital within 2 to 3 hours of this happening. Keep an eye on the baby's movements if you plan to stay at home till the pains begin. But it’s recommended that you visit in an emergency soon after the membrane rupture and the rest of labour management should be planned by your consultant. The doctor on duty in the emergency room will inform your consultant obstetrician. You may start with uterine contractions (called Pains). They could start randomly and infrequently. But you will notice that with time they will start getting closer and stronger. If you are labouring your first baby, you should leave for the hospital once these pains are 3 to 4 min apart. But if you are delivering your second or subsequent child you must go to the hospital as soon as your pains start. How The Labour May Start … 29/04/2024 It is important to familiarise yourself with the situations that may arise at term when you may have to go to the hospital. By the 36th week of pregnancy, you should get the bags ready for the baby and yourself as the labour can start any time now. You can experience one of the following situations:  You may experience some blood-stained discharge. If it's in the form of spotting you need not to worry and can stay home. This is called “show” and happens when the cervical mucus plug dislodges from the cervix in preparation for labour. The labour can start within hours to a few days. So this is a no-rush situation.  If there is more bleeding than spotting, it's wise to attend to the hospital emergency as quickly as possible. It is important to familiarise yourself with the situations that may arise at term when you may have to go to the hospital. By the 36th week of pregnancy, you should get the bags ready for the baby and yourself as the labour can start any time now. You can experience one of the following situations:  You may experience some blood-stained discharge. If it's in the form of spotting you need not to worry and can stay home. This is called “show” and happens when the cervical mucus plug dislodges from the cervix in preparation for labour. The labour can start within hours to a few days. So this is a no-rush situation.  If there is more bleeding than spotting, it's wise to attend to the hospital emergency as quickly as possible. Your waters may break. This happens when the membranes burst and let the amniotic fluid leak from the cervix. This is an urgent situation and you should report to the hospital within 2 to 3 hours of this happening. Keep an eye on the baby's movements if you plan to stay at home till the pains begin. But it’s recommended that you visit in an emergency soon after the membrane rupture and the rest of labour management should be planned by your consultant. The doctor on duty in the emergency room will inform your consultant obstetrician. You may start with uterine contractions (called Pains). They could start randomly and infrequently. But you will notice that with time they will start getting closer and stronger. If you are labouring your first baby, you should leave for the hospital once these pains are 3 to 4 min apart. But if you are delivering your second or subsequent child you must go to the hospital as soon as your pains start. Your waters may break. This happens when the membranes burst and let the amniotic fluid leak from the cervix. This is an urgent situation and you should report to the hospital within 2 to 3 hours of this happening. Keep an eye on the baby's movements if you plan to stay at home till the pains begin. But it’s recommended that you visit in an emergency soon after the membrane rupture and the rest of labour management should be planned by your consultant. The doctor on duty in the emergency room will inform your consultant obstetrician. You may start with uterine contractions (called Pains). They could start randomly and infrequently. But you will notice that with time they will start getting closer and stronger. If you are labouring your first baby, you should leave for the hospital once these pains are 3 to 4 min apart. But if you are delivering your second or subsequent child you must go to the hospital as soon as your pains start. Recent Blogs edit post Managing Your Pain 15/06/2024 Read More edit post PREMATURE MENOPAUSE: IT IS BEING DIAGNOSED TOO LATE 08/06/2024 Read More edit post Minimally Invasive Surgery At Medicsi 07/06/2024 Read More

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Reasons Why You Can End Up In A Caesarean Delivery

Patient Information Blogs Reasons Why You Can End Up In A Caesarean Delivery … 28/04/2024 After having an uncomplicated and uneventful pregnancy, it is very distressing if the delivery does not come the natural way. It's disappointing and disheartening for the Patient and demoralising and discouraging for the Doctor who mostly has done all that could have been done to achieve a normal delivery.   Then there are situations where as care providers we have a high suspicion of caesarean delivery. Some of those situations include maternal morbidities like high blood pressure, liver derangements, diabetes, small for dates babies, intrauterine growth retardation, large for dates, oligohydramnios, deranged dopplers, etc. These situations often are self-explanatory and considering the risks faced by the baby or the mother, are often well accepted.   It's the initial scenario that raises many questions, from the credibility of the doctor to various blames on the hospital.   We feel it's high time we educate our “to-be mothers” so that they understand why caesarean sections can still be a reality even if everything went well during the pregnancy.  There are mainly two major reasons that even the doctor may not foresee before the labour begins. One is whether the baby's head will successfully pass through the pelvis without getting obstructed anywhere there and ultimately reach a point where it can be assisted to be delivered vaginally. Secondly, how the baby will respond to the stress of continuous uterine contractions for an average of eight to ten hours. These two are mainly the reasons why mothers end up in a caesarean section. So Failure to Progress in the first and second stage and Foetal distress are the two main reasons for unexpected emergency caesarea n sections.  Then there are other very infrequent causes of emergency caesarean sections like cord prolapse, excessive bleeding, severe hypertension, etc. The latter are uncommon and do not happen very frequently. During the labour you will be examined internally every 2 to 3 hours to assess the womb opening and descent of the foetal head. The baby’s heartbeat is continuously being monitored for signs of distress. Whenever the latter is suspected your doctor will discuss it with you in detail and every now and then will keep updating you as well. Your consultant obstetrician will discuss all the above in detail with you around the 36th week of pregnancy when she discusses labour and epidural with you. Medicsi wishes you a happy and healthy experience of childbirth. Reasons Why You Can End Up In A Caesarean Delivery … 28/04/2024 After having an uncomplicated and uneventful pregnancy, it is very distressing if the delivery does not come the natural way. It’s disappointing and disheartening for the Patient and demoralising and discouraging for the Doctor who mostly has done all that could have been done to achieve a normal delivery.   Then there are situations where as care providers we have a high suspicion of caesarean delivery. Some of those situations include maternal morbidities like high blood pressure, liver derangements, diabetes, small for dates babies, intrauterine growth retardation, large for dates, oligohydramnios, deranged dopplers, etc. These situations often are self-explanatory and considering the risks faced by the baby or the mother, are often well accepted.   It’s the initial scenario that raises many questions, from the credibility of the doctor to various blames on the hospital. We feel it’s high time we educate our “to-be mothers” so that they understand why caesarean sections can still be a reality even if everything went well during the pregnancy.    There are mainly two major reasons that even the doctor may not foresee before the labour begins. One is whether the baby’s head will successfully pass through the pelvis without getting obstructed anywhere there and ultimately reach a point where it can be assisted to be delivered vaginally. Secondly, how the baby will respond to the stress of continuous uterine contractions for an average of eight to ten hours. These two are mainly the reasons why mothers end up in a caesarean section. So Failure to Progress in the first and second stage and Foetal distress are the two main reasons for unexpected emergency caesarea n sections.    Then there are other very infrequent causes of emergency caesarean sections like cord prolapse, excessive bleeding, severe hypertension, etc. The latter are uncommon and do not happen very frequently.   During the labour you will be examined internally every 2 to 3 hours to assess the womb opening and descent of the foetal head. The baby’s heartbeat is continuously being monitored for signs of distress. Whenever the latter is suspected your doctor will discuss it with you in detail and every now and then will keep updating you as well.   Your consultant obstetrician will discuss all the above in detail with you around the 36th week of pregnancy when she discusses labour and epidural with you.   Medicsi wishes you a happy and healthy experience of childbirth. Recent Blogs edit post Managing Your Pain Read More edit post PREMATURE MENOPAUSE: IT IS BEING DIAGNOSED TOO LATE Read More edit post Minimally Invasive Surgery At Medicsi Read More

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An Antenatal Visit At Medicsi

Patient Information Blogs An Antenatal Visit At Medicsi … 28/04/2024 Once you plan to visit Medicsi for your antenatal care, kindly call the numbers displayed on the website and make an appointment with the doctor that you wish to visit. If you are not sure who to visit, the receptionist will help you with the appointment depending on how urgent and on what day you want it to be fixed. In case it’s an emergency, please visit our emergency departments in Saudi Pak Towers or Bahria.   At the time of the antenatal Visit, you will report to the reception. It is recommended that you come at least 30 min before your appointment time. This time will be needed to attend the reception and nursing station. At the reception, you will be given a registration form to fill out. Kindly read the footnote that says; “In case your consultant is on leave another consultant will look after her clinics”.   After the reception, you will be asked to go to the nursing station where they will check your height (only on the first visit), weight, and blood pressure. These will be documented in your file before you go to the consultant’s office. If you have any blood tests done to date, they will also be documented by your midwife. You will mostly be seen by the consultant within 30 min of your appointment time. Towards the end of the clinics, there could be more delays as sometimes the discussion with the patients can be more time-consuming than expected. In case you are stretched for time please meet the nurse in charge or the reception manager and request if you could be seen earlier.   Once you are with the consultant, your history will be taken in detail if this is your first visit with us. Then a comprehensive examination will be done which will depend on what your consultant deems necessary. A discussion on your current visit will be done and you can ask and clear your queries if you have any. Please make sure that anyone who accompanies you to the consultant’s room is either your husband or someone close to you with whom we can share the confidential information that concerns you.   Your consultant will then advise blood tests and ultrasound depending on what needs to be done at that particular visit. We would prefer that you get the investigations done at Medicsi. This gives your consultant an opportunity to review them and call you back in case of any concerns. In case you decide to get them done from outside Medicsi, please make sure that you let your consultant know about your tests. The hospital is not responsible for any discussions that you may undertake on your and the consultant’s mobile phones. An Antenatal Visit At Medicsi … 28/04/2024 Once you plan to visit Medicsi for your antenatal care, kindly call the numbers displayed on the website and make an appointment with the doctor that you wish to visit. If you are not sure who to visit, the receptionist will help you with the appointment depending on how urgent and on what day you want it to be fixed. In case it's an emergency, please visit our emergency departments in Saudi Pak Towers or Bahria.   At the time of the antenatal Visit, you will report to the reception. It is recommended that you come at least 30 min before your appointment time. This time will be needed to attend the reception and nursing station. At the reception, you will be given a registration form to fill out. Kindly read the footnote that says; “In case your consultant is on leave another consultant will look after her clinics”.   After the reception, you will be asked to go to the nursing station where they will check your height (only on the first visit), weight, and blood pressure. These will be documented in your file before you go to the consultant’s office. If you have any blood tests done to date, they will also be documented by your midwife. You will mostly be seen by the consultant within 30 min of your appointment time. Towards the end of the clinics, there could be more delays as sometimes the discussion with Once you plan to visit Medicsi for your antenatal care, kindly call the numbers displayed on the website and make an appointment with the doctor that you wish to visit. If you are not sure who to visit, the receptionist will help you with the appointment depending on how urgent and on what day you want it to be fixed. In case it’s an emergency, please visit our emergency departments in Saudi Pak Towers or Bahria.   At the time of the antenatal Visit, you will report to the reception. It is recommended that you come at least 30 min before your appointment time. This time will be needed to attend the reception and nursing station. At the reception, you will be given a registration form to fill out. Kindly read the footnote that says; “In case your consultant is on leave another consultant will look after her clinics”.   After the reception, you will be asked to go to the nursing station where they will check your height (only on the first visit), weight, and blood pressure. These will be documented in your file before you go to the consultant’s office. If you have any blood tests done to date, they will also be documented by your midwife. You will mostly be seen by the consultant within 30 min of your appointment time. Towards the end of the clinics, there could be more delays as sometimes the discussion with the patients can be more time-consuming than expected. In case you are stretched for time please meet the nurse in charge or the reception manager and request if you could be seen earlier. the patients can be more time-consuming than expected. In case you are stretched

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The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

Patient Information Blogs The First Trimester Of Pregnancy (Time to Cherish) 23/04/2024 The first trimester of pregnancy is a time full of joy and happiness for the upcoming pregnancy. But at the same time comes the responsibility of looking after not only yourself but also the tiny baby that’s growing inside you. This little life growing in your womb will be a tiny human being in a short span of nine months.   It is recommended for you to start taking Folic acid (800 micrograms) once a day at least 2 to 3 months before you are planning a pregnancy. However,  if the pregnancy comes as a surprise, you can start taking the folic acid as soon as possible. This medication is to prevent certain birth defects. This is an over-the-counter medication and can be bought without a prescription from the doctor. The First Trimester Of Pregnancy (Time to Cherish) 23/04/2024 The first trimester of pregnancy is a time full of joy and happiness for the upcoming pregnancy. But at the same time comes the responsibility of looking after not only yourself but also the tiny baby that's growing inside you. This little life growing in your womb will be a tiny human being in a short span of nine months.   It is recommended for you to start taking Folic acid (800 micrograms) once a day at least 2 to 3 months before you are planning a pregnancy. However,  if the pregnancy comes as a surprise, you can start taking the folic acid as soon as possible. This medication is to prevent certain birth defects. This is an over-the-counter medication and can be bought without prescription from the doctor. Once you know that you're pregnant you must make an appointment with the doctor, preferably around the 6th week of the pregnancy. In case of an emergency please visit the emergency department anytime of the day or night.  On your visit to the doctor, please take this opportunity to discuss your diet and lifestyle in pregnancy, including physical activity that you can undertake.    There are certain very important things that need to be done in the first trimester. These include some blood tests which your doctor will recommend.    If your visit to the doctor is at or after 6 weeks of pregnancy, your doctor will do an ultrasound examination as a preliminary check on baby. Your doctor will then arrange further follow-up scans based on the result of the test. It is important to note that there may be some discrepancy between dates and this can affect the results of the scan.    A formal ultrasound appointment will be made with the ultrasonologist between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. This is a very important investigation that needs to be done in the first trimester. This is the first anomaly scan of the baby where certain abnormalities can be picked.    The antenatal visits with your doctor can vary from 2 weeks to 4 weeks.   If your blood tests are done at Medicsi, your doctor will review their results and they will get in touch with you in case of any abnormalities. If the blood tests are done from outside then you will be responsible to make an appointment with the doctor to discuss the blood test reports. Recent Blogs edit post Managing Your Pain Read More edit post PREMATURE MENOPAUSE: IT IS BEING DIAGNOSED TOO LATE Read More edit post Minimally Invasive Surgery At Medicsi Read More

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Managing Weight Gain

Patient Information Blogs Managing Weight Gain (Commonly Expressed as OBESITY) 23/04/2024 Managing Weight Gain (Commonly Expressed as OBESITY) 23/04/2024 Obesity is a highly prevalent chronic disease characterised by excessive fat accumulation that presents risk to health. For adults, WHO defines overweight and obesity as follows:    Overweight is a BMI greater than or equal to 25; and Obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30.   Body mass index (BMI) is widely used as a simple and reliable way of finding out whether a person is a healthy weight for their height. For most adults, having a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered to be a healthy weight. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered to be overweight, and a BMI over 30 is considered to be obese. According to BMI, general population is classified in five categories:  Underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2),  Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2),  Class I obesity – overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9 kg/m2),  Class II obesity – obesity (BMI 30.0-39.9 kg/m2),  Class III obesity – extreme obesity (BMI > 40 kg/m2).   The American Medical Association (AMA) designated obesity a disease in 2013. As a result, the idea that obesity is caused by insufficient willpower, lack of discipline, and bad choices began to transform. The headline, “AMA Recognizes Obesity as a Disease” was catapulted across both academic and mainstream media.   The best way to treat obesity is to eat a healthy, reduced-calorie diet and exercise regularly. To do this you should: eat a balanced, calorie-controlled diet as recommended by your doctor or weight loss management health professional (such as a dietitian).   Not always though, diet control is enough to lose weight to the desirable levels and other modalities of management needs to be adhered to like physical fitness with a professional, behavioural therapy to understand the eating habits and change of lifestyle and if all fails you need surgical hands to manage the deposited fat and your foodpipes to ask for less.   You may suffer from the following and end up in the years to come with chronic ill health which can have its roots in nothing else but excessive unneeded fat on you.   Symptoms of Obesity: Difficulty sleeping, sleep apnoea, daytime drowsiness. Back and/or joint pains. Excessive sweating. Intolerance to heat. Infections in skin folds. Fatigue. Depression. Feeling of shortness of breath (dyspnoea).   Diseases associated with Obesity: Heart disease Diabetes Arthritis Fertility issues Gallbladder stones Certain Cancers   Medicsi at Bahria is offering comprehensive treatment for Obesity as below: Diet control & Lifestyle modification. Make an appointment with the dietician) Medical & Behavioral Therapy. (Treatment of Obesity with Medicine) See the Physician at Medicsi. Weight Loss procedures for Obesity. See the surgeon and have all the information needed. Surgeons may discuss with you one of the following but not limited to them. – Sleeve Gastrectomy – Gastric Bypass – Mini Gastric Bypass – Liposuction The solution to Obesity demands a holistic approach and a strategic vision of what can be achieved by understanding your body physiology and choosing the best treatment modality to lose weight. Obesity is a highly prevalent chronic disease characterised by excessive fat accumulation that presents risk to health. For adults, WHO defines overweight and obesity as follows:    Overweight is a BMI greater than or equal to 25; and Obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30.   Body mass index (BMI) is widely used as a simple and reliable way of finding out whether a person is a healthy weight for their height. For most adults, having a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered to be a healthy weight. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered to be overweight, and a BMI over 30 is considered to be obese. According to BMI, general population is classified in five categories:  Underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2),  Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2),  Class I obesity – overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9 kg/m2),  Class II obesity – obesity (BMI 30.0-39.9 kg/m2),  Class III obesity – extreme obesity (BMI > 40 kg/m2).   The American Medical Association (AMA) designated obesity a disease in 2013. As a result, the idea that obesity is caused by insufficient willpower, lack of discipline, and bad choices began to transform. The headline, “AMA Recognizes Obesity as a Disease” was catapulted across both academic and mainstream media.   The best way to treat obesity is to eat a healthy, reduced-calorie diet and exercise regularly. To do this you should: eat a balanced, calorie-controlled diet as recommended by your doctor or weight loss management health professional (such as a dietitian).   Not always though, diet control is enough to lose weight to the desirable levels and other modalities of management needs to be adhered to like physical fitness with a professional, behavioural therapy to understand the eating habits and change of lifestyle and if all fails you need surgical hands to manage the deposited fat and your foodpipes to ask for less.   You may suffer from the following and end up in the years to come with chronic ill health which can have its roots in nothing else but excessive unneeded fat on you.   Symptoms of Obesity: Difficulty sleeping, sleep apnoea, daytime drowsiness. Back and/or joint pains. Excessive sweating. Intolerance to heat. Infections in skin folds. Fatigue. Depression. Feeling of shortness of breath (dyspnoea).   Diseases associated with Obesity: Heart disease Diabetes Arthritis Fertility issues Gallbladder stones Certain Cancers   Medicsi at Bahria is offering comprehensive treatment for Obesity as below: Diet control & Lifestyle modification. Make an appointment with the dietician) Medical & Behavioral Therapy. (Treatment of Obesity with Medicine) See the Physician at Medicsi. Weight Loss procedures for Obesity. See the surgeon and have all the information needed. Surgeons may discuss with you one of the following but not limited to them. – Sleeve Gastrectomy – Gastric Bypass – Mini Gastric Bypass – Liposuction The solution to Obesity demands a holistic approach and a strategic vision of what can be achieved by understanding your body physiology and choosing the best treatment

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Ultrasonography In Pregnancy

Patient Information Blogs Ultrasonography In Pregnancy … 23/04/2024 As often said, an ultrasound is a gynaecologist’s stethoscope. You will notice that it will be used very commonly during your antenatal visits and gives us important information about the ongoing pregnancy.   During pregnancy two ultrasounds are done as a must, one between 11 and 13 weeks and the other 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy.   The ultrasound done between 11 and 13 weeks dates the pregnancy ie; confirms whether the date of the last menstrual period conforms to the growth of the baby or not. So, mostly it’s referred to as dating ultrasound. But it also provides important information regarding foetal formation, placental location,  amniotic fluid volume, and also the competence of the cervix. Any further investigations depend on the findings of this ultrasound report. Ultrasonography In Pregnancy … 23/04/2024 As often said, an ultrasound is a gynaecologist’s stethoscope. You will notice that it will be used very commonly during your antenatal visits and gives us important information about the ongoing pregnancy.   During pregnancy two ultrasounds are done as a must, one between 11 and 13 weeks and the other 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy.   The ultrasound done between 11 and 13 weeks dates the pregnancy ie; confirms whether the date of the last menstrual period conforms to the growth of the baby or not. So, mostly it’s referred to as dating ultrasound. But it also provides important information regarding foetal formation, placental location,  amniotic fluid volume, and also the competence of the cervix. Any further investigations depend on the findings of this ultrasound report. The second ultrasound examination is planned in the second trimester between 18 and 22 weeks of gestation. The purpose of this ultrasound is more or less the same as the one in the first trimester. It confirms the dates and reviews the foetal anatomy and rules out most but not all the abnormalities.    To rule out foetal Cardio-vascular abnormalities ultrasound examination only, does not pick most of them unless they are major and have an impact on heart function. To diagnose foetal Cardiac abnormalities foetal echocardiography examination is needed. This examination is not done on all babies and is only recommended and done if there is some indication in the baby of malfunctioning like increased cardiac size or in history if such malformations are found in the siblings or other family members. If indicated the echocardiography is planned between the 26th and 28th weeks of pregnancy.    A third ultrasound examination is done between 28 and 30 weeks to diagnose some of those abnormalities that arise in the third trimester like Hydronephrosis, Ventriculomegaly, Hydrocephaly, Microcephaly, Renal agenesis, certain Gastro-intestinal abnormalities, etc.    The gender of the baby is not revealed unless the patient asks for it specifically.   Not all foetal abnormalities are picked or diagnosed on ultrasound examination. Recent Blogs edit post PREMATURE MENOPAUSE: IT IS BEING DIAGNOSED TOO LATE Read More edit post Minimally Invasive Surgery At Medicsi Read More edit post Ensuring Your Comfort and Safety Read More

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